Yarmouth Argyle Home Support Services
Establishment and health at Gavel Street, Yarmouth, NS B5A 2H9, Canada. Please contact Yarmouth Argyle Home Support Services using information below: address, phone, fax, email, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment Health
Gavel Street
Nova Scotia B5A 2H9
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+1 902-648-2137
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Argyle is a municipal district in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. The district occupies the eastern portion of the county and is one of three municipal units - the other two being the town of Yarmouth and the Yarmouth municipal district. Argyle is a bilingual community, in which native speakers of English and French each account for about half of the population.
Argyle, Tourism, Municipal, Yarmouth, Pubnico, Wedgeport, Councillors, Council, Warden, Deputy Warden, Tusket, Windmills, Plymouth, Hubbard's Point
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